#234. Britain on the brink

Oh dear: the last thing we need right now is a dose of realism: no, lets live in dream palaces and feed of the flesh of unicorns.

Surplus Energy Economics


Whether the country’s leaders know it or not, the United Kingdom is now at serious risk of economic collapse.

We must hope that this doesn’t happen. If it does, it will take the form of a sharp fall in the value of Sterling which, in these circumstances, is the indicator to watch.

A currency crash would cause sharp increases, not just in the prices of essential imports such as energy and food, but also in the cost of servicing debt. In defence of its currency, Britain could be forced into rate rises which would bring down its dangerously over-inflated property market.

This risk itself isn’t new. Rather, it results from a long period of folly, and can’t be blamed entirely on the current administration, inept though the Johnson government undoubtedly is. What we’re witnessing now seems to be a government on the edge of panic. The…

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Ghana diary: 2005


Every so often in life, there is the opportunity to do something  spontaneous and fun. Just because.

But back in 2003, when I agreed to support my neighbour Suleman Chebe’s idea to set up an African-Scottish music festival in Kilsyth, by introducing him to the Community Council and helping to gain their support, I had absolutely no idea what madcap schemes I would be drawn into. Or where it would take me.

The festival – Kilsyth International Carnival – was a huge success. But in early 2005, Cheef Chebe mentioned that he had obtained some funding to audition, recruit, and bring a band of local folk musicians and dancers from his homeland in Northern Ghana to perform at the G8 summit in Gleneagles, and that it might be fun to come along for the ride. I naturally spent some considerable time trying to persuade him that the whole idea was doomed to fail.

And that was just the beginning!

Scottish and International Affairs